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Technology Tour: Uncover How These Tools Can Propel Your Business

Join us Wednesday, April 9, at 10 a.m. Central Time

Senior Market Sales® (SMS) invites you to take your business to the pinnacle of what’s possible through our exclusive Technology Tour. Join us as we uncover how Lead Advantage Pro® and Medicare Insurance Direct® can drive your business upward. Also, learn about navigating our website to uncover a mountain of additional valuable programs. Plus, stay tuned each month as we reveal additional features that will elevate your business.
  • Updated look with modern aesthetics and column-sort functionality
  • Seamless switching between generic and name-brand options
  • Ability to expand or collapse list of selected providers, pharmacy details and more
  • Transfer your client data from Lead Advantage Pro to Medicare Insurance Direct for Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D (PDP) quoting
  • MA and PDP quoting provides detailed filtering options and improved visibility for plan benefits with icon indicators
  • Client Self-Service Portal PDP policy review feature triggers automated reminders if no action taken by client

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